Dec 1 to April 1 Thur-Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Closed holidays
Period furnishings, glassware, clothing and rare photographs of early day life of the area are displayed in this restored Victorian Hotel. Jacob H. Bartles - pioneer, farmer, rancher, businessman and civic leader of Washington County - began construction of the Dewey Hotel in 1899. The building was completed in May 1900. The Dewey Hotel played a pivotal role in the early economic and social history of the area. The most fashionable place for early Washington County residents to have Sunday dinner was the Dewey Hotel dining room. The itinerant minister, the ambitious trapper, the tired freighter, the weary cowpuncher, the bank robber and the outlaw with a price on his head all slept under the same roof and received the same courteous treatment from Jake Bartles.
$5.00 adults; $4.00 Seniors and Veterans;
(Children 12 & Under free)
The month of December is by donation only.